Monthly Archives: April 2021

User-Centered Interface Design : Designing for Usability
Toilet App : SUMMATIVE REPORT 1. ABSTRACT I made a design for an app called Toilet. To make use of the technology this app is designed. I used Balsamiq wireframe to design the mid fidelity of app to know what can be improved in app and its features. Later, using the concept applied to Balsamiq […]

MongoDB : Games Data
Task 1: MongoDB : Game Data 1. Create a database named <> and a collection named <> and insert the above data. 2. What is Map-Reduce? Explain the working of map-reduce with an example 3. Write a reduce function that calculates the total score for each player with the publisher name and count the number […]

Data and Information Retrieval
Task 1: Database design IntroductionThe International Space Station (ISS) is a habitable artificial satellite in low Earthorbit. It is the ninth space station to be inhabited by crews following previous orbitalstations that were launched by the US the former Soviet Union and later Russia. TheISS is intended to be a laboratory, observatory and factory in […]

Django : NepaliGallery Website
1.1 Requirements For this task you must design and implement your own website. You are free to choose your own ideas for this website. Your website must cover the following points: You must be creative in designing your website. Your website needs to offer novel solutions or distinct features to other existing/similar websites. You must […]

Report : Computer and crime
Technology and its Legal, Social and Ethical Context Computer and crime A computer is an electronic programmable machine where the actual machinery is hardware and the instructions and data are software. In this era computer is used for different purposes depending on one’s needs and wants. With the increasing number of computer users’ crimes involved by the […]

A self-reflective essay on the skills learned during the course of your STW 201CS- Effective Communication Skills program. Include any strengths, weaknesses, and personal areas of development.
In this reflective essay as a template for this assignment I am using Gibbs Reflective Cycle. Every person interaction varies how they interact with other people. This is a expressing adverse reflection on importance of self-awareness and personal development. In other term it is a detail inspection from their own behaviors of one’s outlook on […]

Office Solutions Development: The Health and Energy Centre
IntroductionYou are a self-employed IT contractor and have been approached by the Director of TheHealth and Energy Centre to provide advice on the software needed for a new informationsystem at the centre. The centre has been providing health and fitness classes forthousands of people for the past twelve years.The Director has decided that he wants […]

Designing and Developing a Website : MardiDrama Club
IntroductionMardiDrama Club is a fun after school and weekend club that is open to children betweenthe ages of 5-16. It offers a fun programme but also teaches children some of thefundamentals about speaking and helping them develop confidence. ScenarioMardiDrama Club have approached you and asked you to develop a new website forthem. Although they currently […]

Designing and Developing Object-Oriented Computer Programs : Language Trainer
IntroductionThe mind is like any part of the body – it needs exercise to stay healthy. There are manycognitive training regimes that exist for that, but one of the most effective for memory isthe game known as ‘concentration’. In this game, fifty-two cards are laid face down on atable. Each player takes a turn flipping […]

Computer Networks: Wheeler Energy
This assignment enables you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding ofcomputer networks. You are required to produce a substantial document that totals 3000words. Subsequently, you are advised to start work on the assignment at an early stageduring the unit. The assignment is divided into tasks, which relate to the sequence of themodule, so you do […]