Pervasive solution for the recycling sorting and data system Industry

1. Title

In this research I am trying to find pervasive solution for the recycling sorting because recycling deports works poorly and have experienced problem for many years and data system Industry does not work with container having no label or barcode in it.

Recycling is very important factor that can help conserving resources, we can save energy, recycling helps conserving the environment. Recycling also reduces landfill and free up land spaces but most importantly remove amount of rubbish in large amount.

We know recycling helps, but at current state it is slow and tedious task to make our environment clean. The amount of effort used in recycling in present state of Nepal is critical. There is need of many human resources, time and effort. Even then there are changes of fraud and theft of resource waste.

To make this system more effective and painless I am going to research deeply on the pervasive solution for the recycling sorting and data system industry. Modern problem requires modern solution, there are some simple steps, sensors and computer vision which makes this beautiful system shines. Complex algorithm can be used to make the task easy. Since there is going to be complex algorithm and huge processing it will be better to do such computing on cloud and then receive final result with small amount of data.

2. Background

For many years recycling depots have experienced difficulty including long time waiting and energy for user or customers, robber and poor counting accuracy due to labour or manual counting and sorting. Also, technology alternatives to the labour counting method have been limited or have low accuracy which means more labour more cost; the reverse vending machines on the marketplace, sells or retails accepts only containers with intact barcodes which they can scan – and one at a time with a long queue. Anything with little damaged or with absence of label or without barcode cannot be paid and accurate analysis or reporting remains a challenge. Container Deposit System seek out a smarter solution.

In modern days we don’t have to dig deep to find story of IIoT. We can easily find story of the industrial of internet of things revolutionising manufacturing plant floors. We can find many problems solved by IIoT in many sectors but it is rare that we listen on topic of war on waste with the help of IIoT. So, I have chosen to do deep research on pervasive solution for the recycling sorting and data system Industry. So far, the ideas seems so right that it might revolutionize the recycling system as this system helps refund the users too. Recycling is the key to sustain in modern world. We need no minimise use of resource, energy and fuel. Even after that we are going to have waste people will buy the product and almost every product has waste. This research is on the basic of container waste.  The build of system after this research should counter on conserving energy, recycling products, conserving resources and protecting the environment with reducing waste landfill.

There will be many devices working together in this pervasive solution. The single board computer, CSS machine, smart cage, smart well and input station data will go to cloud for computing and will be accessible to Point of Sale (POS) and Cash Redemption Terminal. This research should make the return and refund process quicker and hazel free to customer. This system can be taken as a business opportunity place such as in our country Nepal resulting the decreasing Nepal’s landfill.

The research focuses on treating the interface or experience between information system and operation management. Industrial Management and data systems also known as IMDS, should be able to provide cross disciplinary research, range of information, awareness of technology and disseminate knowledge for improving operations management practices.

System should be to distinguish container even if it is crushed and know it types for sorting. In this process counting should take place and the sum of refund with batch number.

3. Aims and Objectives

My aim for this research is for accurate pervasive solution for the recycling sorting and data system industry.

Main objective of this research:

  • To know that this system can offer ability to gain visibility and monitor for end client. In comparison to tradition method this system should have relatively low cost.
  • This system should harness secure AWS cloud-based platform access and host data.
  • Cloud based platform should be outlay, thus leading to reduce the infrastructure cost.
  • Reporting and analysis in this system presents data and algorithm in an accessible web-based platform.
  • This research should counter real world problem and, on this basis, there should be replaceable real-world solution.

4. Problem Statement

There are lots of problem and challenge with the sorting mechanism for building a Container or Can Deposit Systems. There are major issues to counter in waste industry since waste should be utilized and recycled properly.

Let’s begin with present condition of Nepal, there are rickshaws and cart for collection on small places and for big places there are vehicles which carries waste material to the landfills. All the waste are dumped in that landfills. There are many types of wastes disposal method currently being used in Nepal.

Sanitary landfill, controlled dumping, open dumping, riverside dumping, roadside dumping, etc. Lalitpur, Ghorahi, Tansen, Dhankuta and Pokhara has sanitary landfill sites.

The problem faced at present by municipalities includes government approval and decision making for land acquisition of landfill sites. There is lack of technical support. There is financial constraints and irregularity in area selection, strong opposition by nearby communities. There is barely any IIoT solution implemented in Nepal. There are many wastes that are not utilized at it fullest. There is low value of recycle waste. People finds this management work tedious.

Now that I have pin pointed the problem, I have also researched on this system and algorithm, I find that that it is has also some challenging parts. I first found that my pseudo code was not making sense.

I had to change my algorithm to fit with real world problem. There were lots of insertion of code, one example is as below:

Beckhoff control were hard to implement. Automating task is important part for this type of system. At first the system was only counting the container. It was hard to corelate with computer vision. AWS made computing easy and AI was also used for sorting. There was limitation on types of container that could be detected in system. There was lots of unnecessary heat that was developed during deployment. Weather condition, rise in temperature made the performance low, the task or batch process was taking longer time to process. The work was only able to perform on the presence or electricity. I tried to do the same work under battery but was unsuccessful. Later 5 more battery and voltage stabilizer were added to make the system work in the absence of Electricity. There were difficulties regarding size of bottle from small drinking bottle to big gallon which were resolved later. Now moving on to payment method, I thought recharging the phone with money will be effective to user. Survey was done in closed circle and found that cash handed directly to the user or costumer can boost the recycling process fast. Both customer and environment can be benefited.

5. Conceptual Framework

Until today there are vending machines that do similar work in markets but limits users to accepts container only having barcode in it. Many machines only process container one at a time and if any container has no label or is slightly damaged cannot be refunded. So, in this research I am going to study the proper system for automatically counting and sorting container in any situation or condition.

After research we can find that sorting system in the combination with vision technology with IoT data network can bring quantities and qualitative to easiness which leads work done faster and more accurately. We can collect data and use it to increase efficiency of Container deposit system. This system can also lead to probity of data at low operational costs and implementations.

The vision working process can be explained easily since the algorithm automatically sorts the container. In between that process system is identifying the container and its type. Container gets counted even if the container is crushed. The process take place by batch number. Which helps on identifying the time frame and date.

After counting takes place, refund value is displayed on screen. This system is complete exam of internet of things in practice. This system will help increase the action of taking up or making use of recycling that is available to and solving the problem. All the data of container is sent to AWS and there the algorithm does its thing and sends back calculated amount data back. The processing is faster in the cloud.

Basically, this system will have 5 skids with 26 conveyors. There will also be central vision system camera. The camera will sort each item by identifying using smart algorithm. There will also be camera for customer monitorization. The algorithm will also calculate the refund amount based on the container waste count. Customer will then get receipt accordingly and gets refunded.

For this Pervasive solution for the recycling sorting and data system Industry this is standout solution with IIoT in practice. All the data of container is being send to AWS cloud for faster processing. Customer paying or refund process will then be sent back to the system and is printed. The data collected in AWS has greatest probity of information across man sites and helps in historical reports. It can provide historical report on daily basis. It can provide performance data report, material amounts. It also can give link to CCTV with timestamps, which can help user to deal with customer while for issues or inquiries.

For more than 40 years the drink container recycling industries relied on manual and labour to sort and count container often resulting low in accuracy of container returned lengthy queue to return container and other handling issues, basically a poor customer service in general. Until recently container deposit system in this research has set to revolutionized the future of drink recycling. The manual input station is tailored to the existing method of manually counting methods using a simple interface depo operator can count and process refund transaction electrically, these transactions are saved to the cloud. Transaction can be sync with CCTV to prevent frauds and allow for the review for customer transaction. The auto return terminal is semi-automated, self-served style counting and sorting system. This model uses Nepal’s first smart vision system to identify type of container even if container is damaged.

6. Research Finding

a. On sensor

Many technologies were used like single-Board’s computers is also commonly known as SBC. SBC is also full computer system which is built on a single circuit board.

 Amazon Web services which are known as AWS. AWS is broadly adopted cloud platform and most comprehensive. It has data centre globally with fully featured services. Data is also encrypted. Beckhoff control is being used for automation for this system. Nord drive system is been developing, manufacturing innovative drive electronics and is a best at this field of this technology. So, Nord drive is being used.

The container will be received from first terminal. Customer or staff can insert all container at once or one by one. Concept is that there will be processing by batch id. Customer or staff will have to wait till processing. The process will start with computer vision calculating and sorting the container with conveyer belt and till then CCTV will data is taken and timestamp is put into the database with batch id for securities. As soon as processing is done from AWS the result should come as batch id as unique transaction number, container count as total container count and refund data in which customer will be able to preview the sum of money, he/she is going to get.

b. On Architecture

Container deposit system brings together the industrial Internet of Things in short IIoT. It also fights a war on waste with automation technologies. This is going to be vision sorting and counting system on bulk redemption terminal. It improves container refund process under validation with data computing which improves accuracy. Manual sorting can be pain point and also is time consuming so I knew manual sorting should be easy and should be solved with modern pervasive solution with hitting high mark.

c. On Protocol

The concept is to reduce landfills and promote recycling by making process easy and less time consuming. Main goal is to improve nature with industrial internet of things. We know recycling helps, but at current state it is slow and tedious task to make our environment clean. The amount of effort used in recycling in present state of Nepal is critical. There is need of many human resources, time and effort. Even then there are changes of fraud and theft of resource waste.

The deep learning approach is implemented with neural network and computer vision. Computing of AWS example are shown as below:

The research found that municipalities in Nepal spend about 60-75 percentage of their MSW budget on collection and street cleaning and sweeping and other 20-25 percentage on transportation. There are approximately 30 to 35 percentage of beverage bottle or plastic waste which can all be taken cared by this container counting system.

The bulk redemption terminal is fully automatic system designed to process higher volumes of container. These containers are counted and separated into different commodity streams for recycling, using same vision system as the other return terminal. The refund amount is calculated and then receipt is issued to the customer for redemption, there is also a secure cash redemption terminal which can be used in the conjunction with all solutions to dispense a cash and issue receipt. All three models provide faster more secure and highly accurate container recycling process, involving less cash handling. The process is also less labour intensive, so the technology is hope to reduce injury among workers who are currently tasked with hours of repeatedly task.

7. Discussion

This system automatically identifies, sort and count container. It can identify types of container even if containers are crushed using smart lidar vision. The system is majorly based on machine learning Cloud get data of container and process data faster. This system is smart and can find the real value of waste container and has customer refund process. It gives greater probity of information and gives historical reporting which makes it a true IoT solution.

This project is unique on its own nature. This project brings together IoT, control system, research that together is fit for purpose of IIoT and is something highly novel. As the data is more relevant or applicable to particular matter across manufacture, operation and for transportation and business. I can see this as collaborative approach as valuable standard. I think this research brings together the great researchers and industries.

Many people whom I have interacted during research believes that after the release of this system in Nepal this system will help in promotion of recycling and reduction of waste in the landfill and extending usable land.

In this system can or container can also be detected if it has water or beverages inside it. Categorization of container is depending upon its type and does not depend open container size. The container is depending on rate up to 50 paisa and non-alcoholic beverages like water bottle will have rate up to 20 paisa. All the data of container with its type will be collected on AWS and will have exact timestamps to match with CCTV cameras which can lead to addition on security when needed. The data can help us on monitoring the container quantity types and be able to sell then back to those company too if such company already have recycling campaigns. This program has extensive benefit cost analysis carried out.

8. Conclusion

Finally, in this research I found pervasive solution for the recycling sorting, Now recycling deports works like it should be and have good experience for many years and data system Industry work with container having no label or barcode in it.

After research we can find that sorting system in the combination with vision technology with IoT data network can bring quantities and qualitative to easiness which leads work done faster and more accurately. We can collect data and use it to increase efficiency of Container deposit system. This system can also lead to probity of data at low operational costs and implementations.

After many research and findings we know that this system can offer ability to gain visibility and monitor for end client. In comparison to tradition method this system is relatively low cost. This system harness secure AWS cloud-based platform access and host data. Cloud based platform are outlay, thus reducing the infrastructure cost to certain amount. Reporting and analysis in this system presents with data in an accessible web-based platform. Until today there are vending machines that do similar work in markets but limits users to accepts container only having barcode in it. Many machines only process container one at a time and if any container has no label or is slightly damaged cannot be refunded. So, in this research I am going to study the proper system for automatically counting and sorting container in any situation or condition.

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